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Painting my natural nails BLACK

Let me first state: I have not painted my own nails since, probably, middle school. . .so this should be interesting.

Here are the products I'm going to use for tonight—

I haven't done any cuticle or nail work since the last time I clipped my nails about a month ago, honestly; but they've grown out to the length where they usually break off( from lack of strength). So I figured it'd be a good point to start keeping up with a nail care starting now. And hopefully I can keep up.

The very first thing I'm going to do is wash my hands with soap and cold water, then put a tiny bit of nail polish remover on my nails (even if there isn't any previously on), just so there's a good base for the polish. - I also didn't buy a polish base, so this was the next option.
Taking the Tweezerman nail file, I'm filing my nails down to a square shape. I actually never do this shape- but I wanted to try it out and see how they'd come out. Next time I want to try an almond/oval shape.


I file my nails going vertically and horizontally until the nail creates an even square edge. But as I said, I'm v much a n00b to nail painting. I also didn't have to clip my nails this time either, so it was just with the file that I got my shape.

I'm going to start with doing 3 very thin streaks on each nail. Even if it either; doesn't cover the entire nail, or goes a bit on the cuticle/skin, it doesn't matter! The second coat with cover and I'll go back to neatly clean off the polish with remover at the end.

When I was younger and did my nails, I always would cake the polish on because I clearly didn't understand that was definitely not how it worked.


Once the first layer dries — I applied a second 3 streak, thin layer on top. ..

Then finalize the steps by putting the top coat on my nails once the second layer of paint dries.


My final outcome

Is just terrible imo


Because ya girl just couldn't coat my nails evenly nor precisely. It was more fun than I remembered it being back when I was younger, probably because I actually spent extra time following the steps. Even though this isn't a perfect result- I'm actually happy I tried doing the square shape for the first time.

Something I'll try differently next time is

  • A different nail shape

  • cut my cuticles

  • file more evenly

  • & be more precise with painting

  • use a makeup brush to remove nail polish around the nail beds


PLEASE let me know if you have any tips on painting your nails, or any other products you reccomend & post your nail photos!


Thanks for reading xxx

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